The one thing I have learnt as I have been working on this song is...In everything, give thanks! And I have every reason to be thankful because I am a living testimony of God's faithfulness. Yule Yule was a song that Gidi and I did through a difficult time because we had just discovered that I had a huge lump that was growing in my throat. It was hard to trust that God in some scary moments like when the biopsy did not clear me of cancer. I was also told I might not be able to sing again cause it was growing just next to my vocal cords; that was the lowest moment for me. But God was right there encouraging us and His grace was sufficient! I came out of it, cancer free and got my voice back gradually. So When I sing 'Sifa zote Baba Chukua" I mean it! He gets the glory, He gets the praise because I don't take my life for granted. I dedicate this song to my Heavenly Father who has been so faithful, and He is still teaching me to trust Him in those tough and scary situations that come my way" - Alice Kimanzi