Kenya is a God-fearing and religious nation. That is what most of Kenyan leaders say whenever confronted to make hard decisions on religion and morality in the country. Statistically, at least 80% of people in Kenya are said to be Christians and Islam being the second largest religion with a population of about 11% being Muslims; others are Baha’i, Hindu, African religions and atheists. As of 2007, there were 8,520 registered churches in Kenya with the registrar of societies getting at least 60 applications every month. Things that happen in and out of these churches by the so called Christians have soiled the sanctity and the once powerful social institution is gradually being reduced to a mere gathering. They are things that could be said to be a fulfillment of Prophet Isiah’s prophecy.
here are them
- Politics and religion
- coning in the name of Lord
- Church is investiment
- sexual abuse
- immorality in the Church
they don't serve God